Tree Magic: Linden Tree + Tea Meditation (outdoor) 6/21

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Tree Magic: Linden Tree + Tea Meditation (outdoor) 6/21


Saturday, June 21, 10am-12pm near Jamaica Plain Pond (rain date: June 22)

During this outdoor mini retreat we will learn how to connect to the consciousness of the Linden tree through observation, meditation, Linden tea drinking, reflection through journaling, and a sharing of the medicinal and energetic properties of this magical being.

*Please bring a journal and something to write with, a mug, and something soft to sit on if you desire

*Registration closes 24hrs prior to event - at least five participants needed to run workshop

(Image ID: the image on the left is a light skinned hand holding a Linden leaf, the image on the right is a light skinned woman’s face covered in Linden leaves only showing her smile beneath them)

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